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Visit the official Boss Lily site Lighter on the Environment We are passionate about caring for the environment. The Lily range has been designed with the needs of the user and the environment in mind. Presented with The Queen’s Award for Sustainable Development 2009, FSC accredited and a carbon neutral company, we prefer to work with like minded suppliers who use Uncompromising on quality, we purchase materials with a high recycled content wherever possible. We work closely with local suppliers and constantly review our global logistics operation to ensure we minimise any negative impact on the environment. We actively monitor the carbon footprint of our products throughout We partner with Greenworks to deliver our award winning end-of-life product management process. We arrange for our client’s old furniture items to be collected and redistributed to charities and other good causes. Alternatively, unsuitable furniture is always broken down and recycled. Lily and the Environment The Lily range has been designed to minimise any negative affect on the environment. During its life, components such as the upholstery and arms can be easily removed and replaced if required. At the end of its life Lily can simply be disassembled so that each component can be appropriately recycled. The Lily mesh-back polyester material is constructed from 100% recycled yarn. Lily Ecological Credentials
Statistics represent Lily chairs with arms and nylon base